Whew! Today I am a bit tired but VERY happy…It all started a week ago when Herby and I celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary by going up North to the Canaan Spa Hotel near Tsvat which I found out later does not allow children…it was so nice, calm with music, healthy food and a wonderful get-away…We are lucky to celebrate both Hebrew and English birthdays so that between my Hebrew one(25th of Sivan), Monday and the June 22nd English one it was a world-wind week of reunions with friends and family, a granddaughter’s dance recital which reminded me of my dance days(I took ballet for 11 years along with some toe and modern dance), went to wonderful classes culminating last night with the Melabev Sunset Walk(thank you to the many sponsors who helped this organization which helps Alzheimer’s victims and their families) at which I along with our wonderful guide who also had the same birthday date got a delicious surprise cake made by the best baker, Herby!

Nearing the end of another decade can be a bit scary…but in reflecting on life, I am so very thankful to still have the energy to continue to be so active in swimming 3 times a week which I love, helping with grandchildren, volunteering, attending wonderful classes, doing a bit of work-geriatric counseling…I do make an effort to take care of myself health-wise, be preventative and positive….

My tip of this time of year is to face life with cheer-Be thankful for what we can still do-only the positive do view!

Debbie Dan

Geriatric Consultant for Elderly Parents, Adult Children & Olim

Guidance about Living Options, & Community Resources

A Helping Hand with Debbie Dan

Israeli Cell: 052-391-9328

American Phone 347-448-4177

Email: debbiedan1@gmail.com